
Showing posts from June, 2017

What is Lupus and Lupus headaches suck!

Hello Everyone! Ok, what is Lupus? People ask me this all the time and it can feel like such an ominous concept, as are all diseases; it becomes scary and uncomfortable for many to discuss. It is serious and can be deadly, but more often than not, it isn’t. It is; however, an asshole to live with. Lupus is an autoimmune disorder. In contrast to HIV where your immune system is underactive, in Lupus, our immune systems go hyperactive. No, there is no way anyone can contract this from me. There are those who’s overactive immune systems “go hero” and attack illnesses with “extreme prejudice” (thank you Major Payne) but I don’t have a high speed immune system like that. My immune system is like a blind dog that smells the female in heat but humps the pillow next to her. Moreover, if I get strep throat, my “special needs” immune system attacks my kidneys, brain, joints and/or causes me to lose my hair. So, I don’t have tonsils anymore. I was going to write about Lupus arthritis, but

Let me introduce myself and lets talk fatigue

Greetings everyone,   My name is Michelle Scheeland and I have SLE Lupus. I was diagnosed with Lupus a year ago but we don’t know how long I’ve had it. We know it’s been years but how many is a mystery. What I do know, is this last year has been the first year I’ve experienced a cluster of “typical” Lupus symptoms such as; fevers, fatigue, migraines, joint pain (to include loss of limb function), hair loss, skin issues, temperature regulation problems, and a barrage of neurological issues. I’ve had many of these issues before but not all of them at once and no one put it all together until last year. I haven’t had a break from most of these symptoms since they began well over a year ago. Of course, if you have Lupus you know how long it can take to actually get diagnosed after the symptoms present. Before these symptoms hit, I was an amateur kick boxer and had competed in a couple Jiu Jitsu tournaments. I’d found fighting later in life so I was 34 when I fought last. I am 36