Passed out Child Puppet

Good morning. Well, I still have an abundance of energy, thank God! Generally, as I have previously mentioned, I feel like crap on prednisone. I mean, I cry like a two-year-old to my husband about not wanting to have to get on it again, which I did in this case. I hate this stuff. I have no pants for this upcoming winter because I have gained so much weight and I’m stubborn enough to say, “Screw it, I’ll freeze”. I do not want to buy bigger pants. I lost nearly 100 pounds after the wheelchair and I tossed each pair of pants out, one by one, as I lost weight as a personal victory ceremony. Now I’m like, “Why couldn’t I have been a hoarder?” I still can’t eat so there’s that. Perhaps that’ll help me lose a pound or two. Lord knows I have enough fuel in my “assets” to sustain a small nation for a week or so, so I’m not really hurting as long as I’m on my vitamins and hydrated.

Prednisone causes a lot of super fun things, one of which can be insomnia. My other half was at training last night so he wasn’t here to play with my hair to get me to sleep. That man is a legit crazy lady tamer. It was about 1am and I couldn’t sleep so I thought it would be a great idea to try and figure out what song’s I could karaoke if I were going to do it tomorrow. Because, why not at one o’clock in the morning? So, I’m getting down to Cruisin by Smokey Robinson and the 16-year-old walks in. “Mom, can I close your door?”

You know those moments you thought you were alone and you’re letting it go only to find out you’re not alone? Yep, I jumped and apologized to my son for waking him up. I told him the prednisone causes insomnia and that singing is probably not the best way to get to sleep. Wesly left and I started to play a game on my phone. A few minutes he came back with Uniosm. “Here Mom, so you can get to sleep.” In other words, “Mom, shut up and sleep so we all can sleep”. I got to sleep at about 2am and woke up at 6, and then at 6:05 because I needed to snooze. Guess what? I’m out of coffee and I can‘t get any right now because my land lord is having people paint the deck and front door. The HOA mafia is going after everyone in the neighborhood for cracking paint and such. Brilliant! Meanwhile, they have no problem with this…… Hmmm.
The gardeners made sure everyone knew 'men were here'. No woman did this. lol! 

I don’t recall mentioning that my both my teen boys are on the same bus. After two days of arguing and my getting nasty, by that I mean, sending all correspondence between the Special Education Director and myself to the Assistant Superintendent, the Super, and the entire school board, I won. See, many people either don’t know or don’t believe that I was a Chess coach and it changes the way you think. When I went into the school district and the Sped. Director wasn’t there, the ladies in the front office thought I was leaving. Well, the building is historical, which was my excuse for perusing. I was familiarizing myself with the area and looking for the Super’s offices, just in case. I happened upon the Assist. Super and she told me the Sped. Director had control over the decision to allow my younger son on the bus with his brother. That was all I needed to know. Recon ladies and gentleman. I honestly had to call the Governor’s office to hold them off when they conceded because I went there. I will no longer play with school districts when so many other people can help to do it for me. Further, I do not go into an argument blind. I will however, argue on Facebook just after smoking marijuana on occasion for entertainment purposes.

So, why did I flare and my heart rate get so low I started to see walls fall into the Earth with me? Stress. Stress is one of the absolute worst things for Lupus and I had a week where it was just one thing after another. First, my husband had to leave for training in another state. The next morning, I find out they wouldn’t bus my younger son to the same school his brother goes to which ended up being an incredibly stressful, arduous two and a half day battle. Day before my older boys started school, while I'm still fighting with the district, we helped Wesly’s special ed. teacher get her room together. We got their schedules, found all of their classes, and met with some teachers. When I picked them up from school, the next day,we had to hit the seven-year-old’s school to drop off supplies since he started the following day. We then ran to the retirement home down the road to solidify my boys’ volunteering there, and hit up the grocery store. It was that store trip where my heart hit an all time low and I started trippin. Literally, that wall was seriously moving. Even if I was the only one that saw it.

The next morning, last Thursday, I dropped off my youngest to his first day of school, went to the E.R., and the rest is history. Oh yeah, Friday, my youngest ended up in the E.R. too. While I was writing my parody of Let it Go called, Prednisone, my youngest was laughing and apparently did not fully chew his pot roast. It got stuck at the bottom of his esophagus. He was freaking out but he could breathe and I did what I could to calm him down and we decided E.R. No, my husband was not home. We were almost there when he ruptured. He threw up all over the van. It was the Exorcist in 4D. I’d given him a Benadryl a little earlier because he said something was in his throat and he’s little so I didn’t know if he’d taken in something he may have developed an allergy to. The second we sat down, he passed out so I went from having a panicking, flailing child to carrying 65 pounds of dead weight for hours. We got there at 9pm. We left at 2am. The doctor was like, “I don’t understand why you gave him Benadryl”. Because I enjoy carrying around a limp 65 pound weight to awkwardly carry around while I’m already walking like I’m drunk. It’s like having a passed out child puppet. Benadryl doesn’t hurt but anaphylactic shock does. Why do you put condoms on when you’re not sure you can have kids? Because you don’t want to risk it or the herps. Not because it’s more enjoyable my friend.

Well all, I have to get going. I have research to do because I need to write an article for Eat, Pray, Vote. I haven’t written one in a few days so I need to get on it now the blood flow is actually making it to my brain. Woo Hoo!! I hope everyone has a great day.


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